//ARDUINO FIRMWARE FOR S4A SOFTWARE - http://seaside.citilab.eu/scratch/arduino //INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION //digital outputs (digital pins 10,11 and 13) //analog outputs (digital pins 5, 6 and 9) //analog inputs (analog pins) //digital inputs (digital pins 2 and 3) //servomotors RC (digital pins 4, 7, 8 and 12) char outputs[10]; int states[10]; int pulseWidth; unsigned long initialPulseTime; unsigned long lastDataReceivedTime; //servomotor ISR variables volatile int updateServoMotors = false; volatile boolean newInterruption; void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); Serial.flush(); configurePins(); configureServomotors(); lastDataReceivedTime = millis(); } void loop() { sendSensorValues(); readSerialPort(); } void configurePins() { for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) { states[index] = 0; pinMode(index+4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(index+4, LOW); //reset pins } outputs[1] = 'a';//pin 5 outputs[2] = 'a';//pin 6 outputs[5] = 'a';//pin 9 outputs[6] = 'd';//pin 10 outputs[7] = 'd';//pin 11 outputs[9] = 'd';//pin 13 pinMode(2,INPUT); pinMode(3,INPUT); outputs[0] = 'c'; //pin 4 outputs[3] = 'c'; //pin 7 outputs[4] = 's'; //pin 8 outputs[8] = 's'; //pin 12 } void configureServomotors() {//servomotors interruption configuration (interruption each 10 ms on timer2) newInterruption = false; updateServoMotors = false; TCCR2A = 0; TCCR2B = 1<<CS22 | 1<<CS21 | 1<<CS20;//preescaler = 1024 TIMSK2 = (1<<TOIE2); //Timer2 Overflow Interrupt Enable TCNT2 = 100; //start timer } void sendSensorValues() { int sensorValues[6], readings[5], sensorIndex; for (sensorIndex = 0; sensorIndex < 6; sensorIndex++) //For analog sensors, calculate the median of 5 sensor readings in order to avoid variability and power surges { for (int p = 0; p < 5; p++) readings[p] = analogRead(sensorIndex); InsertionSort(readings, 5); //sort readings sensorValues[sensorIndex] = readings[2]; //select median reading } //send analog sensor values for (sensorIndex = 0; sensorIndex < 6; sensorIndex++) ScratchBoardSensorReport(sensorIndex, sensorValues[sensorIndex]); //send digital sensor values ScratchBoardSensorReport(6, digitalRead(2)?1023:0); ScratchBoardSensorReport(7, digitalRead(3)?1023:0); } void InsertionSort(int* array, int n) { for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) for (int j = i; (j > 0) && ( array[j] < array[j-1] ); j--) swap( array, j, j-1 ); } void swap (int* array, int a, int b) { int temp = array[a]; array[a] = array[b]; array[b] = temp; } void ScratchBoardSensorReport(int sensor, int value) { //PicoBoard protocol, 2 bytes per sensor Serial.print( B10000000 | ((sensor & B1111)<<3) | ((value>>7) & B111), BYTE); Serial.print( value & B1111111, BYTE); } void readSerialPort() {//read serial port until actuators plot has arrived int pin, inByte, sensorHighByte; boolean newSensorsPlot = false, complete = false; char parameter = '1'; while (!complete) { if (updateServoMotors) updateServomotors(); if (Serial.available()) { inByte = Serial.read(); lastDataReceivedTime = millis(); if (parameter == '1') { if (inByte >= 128) //high byte (most significant bit equal to 1) { newSensorsPlot = true; sensorHighByte = inByte; pin = ((inByte >> 3) & 15); } } else if (parameter == '2') { states[pin - 4] = ((sensorHighByte & 7) << 7) + (inByte & 127); updateActuator(pin - 4); complete = (pin == 13); } if (newSensorsPlot) { if (parameter == '2') parameter = '1'; else parameter++; } } else checkScratchDisconnection(); } } void reset() {//With xbee module, we need to simulate the setup execution that occurs when a usb connection is opened or closed without this module for (int pos = 0; pos < 10; pos++) //stop all actuators { states[pos] = 0; digitalWrite(pos + 2, LOW); } //reset servomotors newInterruption = false; updateServoMotors = false; TCNT2 = 100; //protocol handshaking sendSensorValues(); lastDataReceivedTime = millis(); } void updateActuator(int pinNumber) { if (outputs[pinNumber] == 'd') digitalWrite(pinNumber + 4,states[pinNumber]); else if (outputs[pinNumber] == 'a') analogWrite(pinNumber + 4, states[pinNumber]); } void updateServomotors() { updateServoMotors = false; for (int p = 0; p < 10; p++) { if (outputs[p] == 'c') servomotorC(p + 4, states[p]); if (outputs[p] == 's') servomotorS(p + 4, states[p]); } } void servomotorC (int pinNumber, int dir) { if (dir == 1) pulseWidth = 1300; //clockwise rotation else if (dir == 2) pulseWidth = 1700;////anticlockwise rotation else return; pulse(pinNumber); } void servomotorS (int pinNumber, int angle) { if (angle < 0) pulseWidth = 0; else if (angle > 180) pulseWidth = 2400; else pulseWidth = (angle * 10) + 600; pulse(pinNumber); } void pulse (int pinNumber) { digitalWrite(pinNumber, HIGH); initialPulseTime = micros(); while (micros() < pulseWidth + initialPulseTime){} digitalWrite(pinNumber, LOW); } void checkScratchDisconnection() {//the reset is necessary when using an wireless arduino board (because we need to ensure that arduino isn't waiting the actuators state from Scratch) or when scratch isn't sending information (because is how serial port close is detected) if (millis() - lastDataReceivedTime > 1000) reset(); //reset state if actuators reception timeout = one second } ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) //Timer1 overflow interrupt vector handler {//Timer 2 => 8 bits counter => 256 clock ticks //preeescaler = 1024 => this routine is called 61 (16.000.000/256/1024) times per second approximately => interruption period = 1 / 16.000.000/256/1024 = 16,384 ms //as we need a 20 ms interruption period but timer2 doesn't have a suitable preescaler for this, we program the timer with a 10 ms interruption period and we consider an interruption every 2 times this routine is called. //to have a 10 ms interruption period, timer2 counter must overflow after 156 clock ticks => interruption period = 1 / 16.000.000/156/1024 = 9,984 ms => counter initial value (TCNT) = 100 if (newInterruption) { TCNT2 = 100; //reset timer updateServoMotors = true; } newInterruption = !newInterruption; }
Blog que recull els treballs en programació i robòtica a l'Institut Badalona VII (Arduino, Lego Mindstorms, Raspberry Pi i impressió 3D). I a l'Institut Hipàtia d'Alexandria de Lliçà d'Amunt
dimarts, 31 de maig del 2011
Firmware per a controlar Arduino amb Scratch
Aquest firmware és necessari per a controlar l'Arduino des de l'Scratch. Heu de copiar el fitxer de text al programa Arduino i pujar-lo a la placa. El text és aquest:
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diumenge, 29 de maig del 2011
Jornada 2011 Scratch for Arduino
Conté instruccions per començar amb scratch i arduino. Cliqueu aqui per anar a la pagina de la Jornada.
divendres, 27 de maig del 2011
Curs d 209 d'Scratch
Aquí teniu l'enllaç al material del curs telemàtic d'Scratch: http://www.xtec.cat/formaciotic/dvdformacio/materials/td209/index.html
Arduino ja respon
Per fi arduino respon a les ordres de l'ordinador. Hem fet servir els exemples de l'aplicació Arduino: Basiks--> Blink i Fade. Amb scratch hi ha algun problema.
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